endozyn Warming up will help you avoid injuring your muscles, which would stop you from exercising for weeks while your muscles heal. You should stop working out if you feel any pain. Muscles and tendons are fragile, and you never want to push them to the limit and overdo it just to gain muscle. When you feel sore, take a day off to rest your body so that you can get back to full strength. If you are ready to seriously build up your muscles, you have to have accurate information and advice that you can use. Follow these tips and you will efficiently and quickly build muscle mass. The keys are persistence and focus. You Can Get Good Source Of Ideas About Muscle Building In The Article Below Visiting the gym and pressing some weights are just part of the process of muscle building. A variety of factors are in play which will impact how your results will be achieved. The information that is provided below will help you learn what you need to do to build muscle safely and effectively. An often overlooked part of a good exercise program is warming up. As your muscles gain strength, they can become prone to injuries. Taking the time to warm up can prevent such injuries. Prior to serious lifting, try light exercises for around five or ten minutes, then three to four light and medium warm-ups. If you plan on using any type of creatine supplement to help build your muscles, be very cautious, especially if you are using them for a long period of time. Stay away from these supplements if your kidney is not healthy. They can also cause cramping, heart problems, and even something called muscle compartment syndrome. People who are still growing are at the greatest risk of potential harm. Use these supplements in appropriate quantities and under the supervision of a medical professional. Don't allow your workouts to exceed one hour in duration. Beyond 60 minutes, your body starts releasing the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol blocks testosterone, which can ruin your muscle gaining efforts. Shorter workouts will help you to get greater results in a smaller timeline. After exercising it is vital to stretch, so that your muscles can build and repair themselves well. If you are under the age of 40, every stretch should be held for a minimum of 30 seconds.